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Complete Automatic Medical Device Assembly and Packaging System

A manufacturer of medical diagnostic test systems required unique equipment for automatically manufacturing their product, simultaneously minimizing the chance of contamination. Creative Automation designed and manufactured an automated assembly and packaging system integrated with nine highly specialized work cells, each one operating as a complete, standalone production system.

The Challenge: Integrating Nine Individual, Highly Specialized Work Cells

The medical manufacturer specialized in producing fully assembled diagnostic test systems which demanded unique, special purpose equipment. Numerous complex manufacturing and assembly processes were required for each completed product. To minimize the opportunity for contamination, the process required a Class 100 clean environment with a minimal number of operators. Custom automation was the natural solution.

The Solution: A Turnkey Multi-Cell System for Automated Production and Packaging

Creative Automation designed and manufactured a turney production and packaging system which included nine special purpose work cells. Each workstation was fully integrated to operate as a complete production system – from component parts to fully packaged product. With all workstations working in tandem, the multi-cell system serves as a true standalone production line automation solution.

Production Line Automation Solutions for Today’s Medical Manufacturers

From engineering to systems integration, Creative manufactures state-of-the-art automation solutions for the modern medical industry and various healthcare sectors. Our company provides practical, highly customized automated systems and special purpose machinery designed specifically for the challenges facing today’s medical manufacturers. Our turnkey automated equipment engineered to meet our clients’ highly diverse production needs.